This is Living Ministries
A Christ-Centered Reentry Program for Women

The Problem
Since 1980 the number of women in jail has increased 1,431% and the number of women in prison has increased by 796% (Vera Institute of Justice, December 2019)
Tennessee ranks within the top four states in the following categories: Jail Admissions (2nd), Prison Admissions (3rd), Jail Pretrial Population (1st), Jail Sentenced Population (2nd), Prison Population (3rd). (Vera Institute of Justice, December 2019)
Female inmates must overcome unique social, emotional, and physical challenges that impede their ability to integrate smoothly back into society following a period of incarceration. (“Reentry Programs for Female Inmates,” National Institute of Corrections, NIJ Journal, July 2005)
Read our detailed one-pager highlighting the problem and our related research goals relevant to our demographic.
A Father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, He leads out the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.
Psalm 68:5-6
Our Strategy
Disciple women in establishing a relationship with Jesus and realizing their individual potential according to God’s plan for them. (Jeremiah 29:11)
Help women heal from past traumas
Provide a safe, loving home environment
Provide clothing, identification, food, love, and hygiene during the program
Work opportunity development: interviewing skills, computer skills, resume building
Provide women with opportunities to give back to the community and adopt a positive, responsible lifestyle
Train in life skills: cooking, cleaning, budgeting, furthering education, parenting, coping skills, marriage
Help women plan to obtain and maintain permanent, safe, and affordable housing after program completion
Give women opportunities to share their faith and encourage others in following Christ

Values & Guiding Principles
Our students and graduates are spiritual warriors whose identity is firm in Christ, walking in the Spirit, and grounded in the Word. They are equipped with the knowledge they need to succeed both in this life and the next and are encouraged to “pay it forward” to those around them.