This is Living Ministries
A Christ-Centered Reentry Program for Women

Deep Impact: Introducing our Research Division
Upon reviewing our outcomes, it became evident that our program model not only saves lives but also restores families and saves souls, prompting the question: should we keep this knowledge to ourselves? To answer as the apostle Paul would, “Certainly not!” What if we told you we are not the creators of this model? It is the brainchild of our big brother program, Men of Valor who have selflessly come alongside us from the beginning as our mentors helping us launch this program so they could see justice-involved females receive the same life-changing results as the men they serve. The name of the game is collaboration!
This sentiment serves as the foundation of our new research division which serves a dual purpose: firstly, to allow us to evaluate the needs of our target populations and refine our internal processes for enhanced effectiveness; secondly, to bridge a crucial gap in the literature concerning justice-involved females and recidivism by providing valuable data for other programs to utilize.
Through our new research division, we aim to analyze existing secondary research, study and analyze our internal data and processes, and disseminate our findings through peer-review publications, strategic media releases, and collaborative data-sharing with key stakeholders both statewide and nationally.
TILM Research Objectives:
Leveraging our unique access both inside and outside of our prison system to conduct primary research on females and recidivism, addressing a gap in the literature.
Developing data-sharing pipeline between key stakeholders at the local, state, and federal level fostering cross-program collaboration.
Conducting internal studies of our processes in an effort to refine our program and maximize our impact and effectiveness while identifying significant relationships between time spent in program and resiliency scoring.
Implement employee-health incentives and employee-wellness programs within our organization and evaluate outcomes.
Disseminating our findings through peer-reviewed publication for the purposes of sharing our data with other programs across the nation.
Upcoming Publications
The Associative Property of Addiction: Contextualizing the complex interactions between identity and reference groups in recovery,Research article being prepared for submission to J of Mental Health in Recovery